Dr. Andrea Waling
Dr Andrea Waling is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Public Health and a Senior Research Fellow at the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS), La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia. She is currently working across a range of research projects involving explorations of men, sexuality, and bodies; young people and sexual literacy, technologies, sex, and sexual intimacy, and LGBTIQ+ health and well-being. Dr Waling is co-leading a program of research at ARCSHS focusing on the intersections of technology, gender, sexuality, and sexual intimacies, and young people and sexual literacies. She has been awarded over $3.8 million (AUD) in research funding, and more than 80 publications including journal articles, books and book chapters, as well as several awards for her research.
Department of Public Health, LaTrobe University